Project Supervisor Construction Stage Course

The  Project Supervisor Construction Stage Course allows anyone who want to act in the position of PSCS and/or Health and Safety coordinator to the PSCS under Irish legislation.


This is not a QQI awarded training

Obecnie nie mamy ustalonych dat na ten kurs, prosimy o kontakt po więcej informacji.

Business Consultancy

Course Description: The role of the project supervisor construction stage is to manage and co-ordinate health and safety matters during the construction stage. This program is targeted at safety professionals, domestic house builders, specialist contractors and all those interested in enhancing their safety qualifications for construction projects and wish to act as PSCS. 


  1. Client PSDP & PSCS definitions/legislation and concepts 
  2. Construction Stage Health and Safety Plan.
  3. Review of Particular Risks; Risk Assessment; Emergency Procedures.
  4. Method Statements; Statutory Forms; Permits to Work
  5. Contractor and Subcontractor Management 
  6. Safety file
  7. Supervising a construction project